Running, possibly that was your activity each morning, apart from being good for the health, Running could also for the happiness only. Running with the family or together the friend you were the pleasant matter.
However, there is a good idea your paid attention to your equipment that was put on by you, good that Running Shoes or Running Socks etc, because if you choosing right equipment that for you, made you running comfortably, didn’t please after Running, your foot were swollen Because you chose badly shoes
In shopwiki you can choose the equipment you need, isn't only running shoes, or running Socks, you can also choose other equipment such as Water Bottles, Stopwatches, and many more, not only that, they also have a guide for you, choose a good guide running shoes that right for you. That is, or running tips from the excess shopwiki, many online shopping similar, but they let the buyer regardless of their customers.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Ternyata Gw cm Bisa Diem
Iya gw hanya bisa dapet sedikit . padalah gw menggingin kannya lebih .. itu yang gw rasa saat ini ... Emang salah gw Mengharapkan mendapatkan nya lebih, memang "jatah" gw yg di berikan dia cm sedikit.
Padahal gw Merasakan seperti dulu .... Ketika gw mulai memberanikan diri untuk menginginkannya , saat gw menantikanya, ya sudahlah ....... emang gw ga bisa merangkai kata dan memohon supaya gw bisa mendapatkannya lebih.
So, gw cm bisa diam .....
dan menunggu yg lain datang , bertarung mendapatkannya ..........
Oh God .... gw dah Jenuh .. gw perlu sesuatu yang bisa membuat gw lebih Hidup sesuatu yang membuat gw mencintai Pagi ...
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Be Smart When Choosing your Webhosting
Many also provide unlimited bandwidth, but bandwidth is limited and calculated the maximum limit for a personal website. For instance, the bandwidth available to each client 80GB/mount(mostly less). To attract more customers, if their unlimited bandwidth. Yeah, there has been no personal website in one day require more than 2GB of bandwidth, and the client will never know!
So be careful if you are interested in buying web hosting package with a cheap price and the space above the 1000GB. Ask before buying, whether you can use all the space offered. If the answer is unclear and confusing, leave it alone, for your convenience soon.
Most hosting providers don't exist in Indonesia that provides shared hosting space above 100GB. For the average personal website, 1GB space is more than enough. And if you want space 80GB and upwards, you will be recommended to rent a dedicated server, including the expensive price for the Indonesian people, except for the business.
enough from me, but I suggest you search the web hosting articles , in you can get a full article about web hosting, even all the articles related to web hosting there, so smart when choosing web hosting services that you need
Parah Video Aborsi anak SMA
ya itulah kisah seorang siswi sebuah SMA di Kota Pasuruan , yang lebih parahnya conya dengan tega merekam video aborsi anak sma tsb , anehhhh apa ada suatu kebanggaan dengan merekam kejadian aborsi anak sma , gw mah ga tau ???????? . xixiix
gw sih cm kasian kayanya mereka belum berpengalaman terjun ke dunia perlendiran , wkwkwk , tidak seperti gw , opppssssss , tidak aku adalah anak baek2 yang tidak pernah memperkosa anak sma apalagi menghamili dan sampai melakukan aborsi sepertinya anak sma itu lakukan , pny cw aja gw blom ,, hiksss .... jomblo nih
kembali ke vidio aborsi anak sma , jika gw liat beritanya tentang Video aborsi anak sma tsb , menurut pihak sekolah, mereka sudah sering melakukan penyuluhan ato dampak2 negatif dari dari Sex bebas , yang menjadi pertanyaan mengapa kejadian video aborsi anak sma itu bisa sampai terjadi ????? apakah karna kurangnya pengawasan dari orang tua ????? yah menurut gw emang bayak faktor yang memyebabkan itu , selain itu faktor linkungan juga sangat besar pengaruhnya !! , ya itu mungkin hanya salah satu kejadian yang dapat di documentasikan , xixixixi , pasti masih banyak kasus aborsi yang tidak muncul ke permukaan, ya gara2 ada videonya itu jadi heboh ......
waktu gw liat cuplikannya di tipi ktnya karana anak smanya cantik dan pintar , kemungkinan hal itu yang membuat anak sma itu jadi perimadona , trus ada co yang naksir tp cinta nya di tolak , terus tuh anak sma di perkosa xixiixix, waduh koe jadi presepsi diri sendiri sih. wkwkwkkwkw
tp jujur aja gw penasaram mao download Video Aborsi anak SMA , tp gw binggung mo download video aborsi pasuruan dimana ?????? , di youtube dah ada kali yah ???????
wah kayanya hari ini musti hunting

ayo yang doyan sama Video ke gituan mari kita Download Video Aborsi pasuruan sama tarkalo dah ada yang nemu kasih tau yah .......
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
I Felt Bored with My Body
gw pengen keluar dari badan gw , terbang pergi ke tempat yang gw pengen , ke dunia yang ga pernah gw kunjungin , terbang melayang terbawa angin , tp bukan berarti gw pengen mati , gw masih pengen idup dan menggapai mimpi2 gw .
gw pengen jadi kupu2 , bisa bermetarmofisis , bisa memih jalan dengan sesuka hati, dan terus terbang , gw g pengen terbang pake pesawat , pake balon dll , gw pengen terbang dengan tangan gw , gw pengen merubah tangan gw jadi sayap biar bisa pergi ke langit ..... menyetuh bulan dan bintang dengan tangan gw sendiri .......
udah .... dulu yah .....
slamat datang pagi , sudah saatnya km menggantikan malam gw yang sangat gw sayangin
gw pengen jadi kupu2 , bisa bermetarmofisis , bisa memih jalan dengan sesuka hati, dan terus terbang , gw g pengen terbang pake pesawat , pake balon dll , gw pengen terbang dengan tangan gw , gw pengen merubah tangan gw jadi sayap biar bisa pergi ke langit ..... menyetuh bulan dan bintang dengan tangan gw sendiri .......
gw pengen terbang ... menemui orang2 di atas sana ....
gw pengen Dia .... yang selalu siap menopang gw saat gw jatohhhhhh ......
gw pengen terus bisa ... berharap ... dan bermimpi .....
gw pengen teriak di tempat yg semua orang ga denger terikan gw
gw pengen bercumbu dengan matahari dimana semua orang ga bisa ngelakuin itu
udah .... dulu yah .....
gw pengen bobo sebelum malam gw pergi , sebelum manusia2 terbangun dan melihat gw lagi bercinta dengan matahari .....
slamat datang pagi , sudah saatnya km menggantikan malam gw yang sangat gw sayangin
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Gara2 Kartun Nabi Muhammad
mana dede liat Kartun Nabi Muhammad versi indonesia nya penasaran nih dede , parah banget sih
apa gw mo Free download mp3 gratis ajah , engga mao gw cm mo liat Kartun Nabi Muhammad dimana gw bisa liat , janji cm liat ga gw sebarin lagi , ayo donk ada yang tau ga Kartun Nabi Muhammad ya kaya gimana atou download gambar Kartun Nabi Muhammad dimaana ????????
mama said : udah de mama bilang kan Free Download Mp3 gratis ajah , Kalo engga Foto bugil artis ajah ??? gimana de ????????
dede said : maaaammmmaaaa dede mo liat gambar Kartun Nabi Muhammad aja ga mao yang laen , orang dede mao liat gambar Kartun Nabi Muhammad versi indonesia ko malahan di suruh free download mp3 sih giaman sih pada
dede said : POKOKnya dede moliat gambar Kartun Nabi Muhammad titik :-((
mama said : ya udah nanti mama kasih foto bugil nya mariana renata aja mao ga , kan dede nge fans banget sama mariana renata mao yah ......
dede said : Ogahhhhhhhhh ..... sekali Gambar Kartun Nabi Muhammad bahasa indonesia tetep gambar Kartun Nabi Muhammad , emmmm foto bugil mariana renata nya boleh juga deh ma kalo bisa sama foto bugil jupe
mama said : nih mama kasih foto bugil mariana renata yah .......
dede said : asikkkkk i luv u mama , eeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmm tapi dede masih mao liat gambar Kartun Nabi Muhammad ya
mama said : yah dede kan udah mama kasi foto bugil mariana renata ko masih minta Kartun Nabi Muhammad , jangan itu yah de nyari Kartun Nabi Muhammad bahasa indonesia susah banget blognya udah di tutup trus di luar lagi pada ribut2 soal itu entar dede kena timpuk loh
dede said :yaudah deh mama mao nenen aja ..... sama mariana renata
mama said : wew ... jangan bandel donk dede sama kebo aja yah kalo mo nenen , kalo engga sama papa aja yah
dede said : ga mo ????!!!!#@!#@!# maonya nenen sama mariana renata ajah
mama said : yah dede emang engga puas dah ngeliat Foto Bugil Artis Indonesia , eh foto bugil mariana renata nya kan kasian mariana renata ????
dede said : $@#$@#$@#$@# engga , kalo ga boleh nenen sama mariana renata , dede mo liat gambar Kartun Nabi Muhammad versi indonesia ajah .....
Dalam hati mama mengatakan : sial gw punya anak kaya gini gw injek2 juga nih bocah
mama pergi kedapur meninggalkan si dede di teras
Have fun I Dofollow
papa said : ma papa juga mao donk nenen sama mariana renata eeehh nenen sama mama juga gpp
Decorate Your garden With Planters
Hi... How are you going today??? This was the weekend during that was exact to beautify your garden. are you ready to beautify your garden?????? . Yes apparently you have been ready with all equipment to decorate your garden. Ohhh no ... apparently you still confuse to decorate your garden like what ?????? . aha don't worry!!! in your problem about decorate your garden immediately was solved , coz This site offers widest varieties of indoor planters ,outdoor planters that could suit any part of your home .
Planters , in term of outdoor planters or indoor planters, are good to makes your home healthier because the air is keep circulating in because of the planters. The planters it self is not always garden planters, those planters could be also used as decorative planters. This decorative planters could be in form of window box planters or High End Planters.
So what you are waiting , apart from your garden to become beauty, and your house will become healthy, c'mon cek this out, but wait the minutes, remember !!!!, should not be wrong the place, because of so many sites that offered the similar matter??? , according to the opinion please you ordered in, the reason, cos the product that them offered really had a quality and, if you order today you will get free shipping good luck
Planters , in term of outdoor planters or indoor planters, are good to makes your home healthier because the air is keep circulating in because of the planters. The planters it self is not always garden planters, those planters could be also used as decorative planters. This decorative planters could be in form of window box planters or High End Planters.
So what you are waiting , apart from your garden to become beauty, and your house will become healthy, c'mon cek this out, but wait the minutes, remember !!!!, should not be wrong the place, because of so many sites that offered the similar matter??? , according to the opinion please you ordered in, the reason, cos the product that them offered really had a quality and, if you order today you will get free shipping good luck
Monday, 17 November 2008
Sadiss ........
Sadiss .... Hikssssss ..... hiksssss .......
Waktu itu gw janji pengen posting Soal Si Salim di potingan Satpam Oh Satpam , tp taukah Teman2 kabar terbaru Dari Salim hiks ...... :-(( , Susah gw buat ngucapinya .... hiks ...... hiks .....
Si Salim knp :-? ....... Ternyata sisalim dah ..... hiksssssssss ..... hikssssssssssssssss
Si Salim dah digussuuurrrrrrrrr dari sma gw dulu , wkwkwkwkwkwk , emang nasib si salim dari dulu sial mulu wkwkwkwk .... Ok kabar terbaru ini gw dapet dr anak SMA 5 yang masih sekolah disono ... namanya adinda yunita ( heheh gw kasih backlink biar tambah semangat ngeblognya )
Dia bilang begini sama gw
SMA N 5 Depok itu parah banget , gw sih setuju kalo alasannya demi ketertiban ato kebersihan , tp yang gw ga setuju kenapa mereka Harus Di gusur apa salah mereka ?????????
Apa ini hanyapolitik yang dilakuin sama guru2 SMA N 5 Depok , biar mereka bisa berjualan Foto Bugil Artis Indonesia , wkwkwkwk , kejam sekali mereka
kalo emang niatnya buat menertibkan kenapa Para Pedagang ini tidak di beri kesempatan untuk berjualan di sana , bisa donk !!!!!!! , kalo ga bisa apa alesannya ?????????
Jujur Gw bosen sama alesan2 klasik yang sering di ucapkan oleh pijak yg berwenang dalam hal iniSMA N 5 Depok .
iya emang gw sekarang dah ga sekolah disana , tp gw turut prihatin sama nasib Para pedagang di sono , yah mungkin Kisah Di gusurnya salim DKK, cm salah satu contoh betapa "Pihak Pihak yg berkuasa" hanya mao memperhatikan "PIHAK yang Memiliki Kekuatan".
Tp ada sedikit berita yang melegakan hati
Update alasan para pedagang di gusur adalah
trus gaji mereka buat apa ?????? apa buat beli Foto bugil artis Indonesia :-p
Waktu itu gw janji pengen posting Soal Si Salim di potingan Satpam Oh Satpam , tp taukah Teman2 kabar terbaru Dari Salim hiks ...... :-(( , Susah gw buat ngucapinya .... hiks ...... hiks .....
Si Salim knp :-? ....... Ternyata sisalim dah ..... hiksssssssss ..... hikssssssssssssssss
Si Salim dah digussuuurrrrrrrrr dari sma gw dulu , wkwkwkwkwkwk , emang nasib si salim dari dulu sial mulu wkwkwkwk .... Ok kabar terbaru ini gw dapet dr anak SMA 5 yang masih sekolah disono ... namanya adinda yunita ( heheh gw kasih backlink biar tambah semangat ngeblognya )
Dia bilang begini sama gw
emm cb liat text yang gw bold , gw sendiri ngerasa hal yang dilakuin Guru2iyaaa .
loh siapa ini ??
mereka udah pada digusur . gak tau yaa ??
terjadi penguasaan terhadap kantin yang dilakukan oleh guru-guru ..kalo bang son masih jualan diatas . terus salim akhirnya buka warung kopi juga diatas .
sisanya . udah gak ada kabarnyaa ..
satpam . gampang itumah . kebetulan banget lagi ngerjain buku tahunan . ntar sekalian deh ..
Apa ini hanya
kalo emang niatnya buat menertibkan kenapa Para Pedagang ini tidak di beri kesempatan untuk berjualan di sana , bisa donk !!!!!!! , kalo ga bisa apa alesannya ?????????
Jujur Gw bosen sama alesan2 klasik yang sering di ucapkan oleh pijak yg berwenang dalam hal ini
iya emang gw sekarang dah ga sekolah disana , tp gw turut prihatin sama nasib Para pedagang di sono , yah mungkin Kisah Di gusurnya salim DKK, cm salah satu contoh betapa "Pihak Pihak yg berkuasa" hanya mao memperhatikan "PIHAK yang Memiliki Kekuatan".
Tp ada sedikit berita yang melegakan hati
terus salim akhirnya buka warung kopi juga diatasYah walaupun badai menerjang Tapi Akhirnya salim dapat bertahan Di dunia yang di penuhi oleh "Manusia2 Kejam" . wkwkwkk ...... .... ........
Update alasan para pedagang di gusur adalah
alesannya bukan gara-gara ketertiban atau kebersihan .
katanyaa ni yaa ..
guru kan udah gak dapet ongkos gitu buat pergi ngajar . jadinyaa mereka nyari objekan lain .
ngeliat omset di kantinnya lumayan gede . akhirnya mereka menguasai kantin deh .
soalnyaa pas salim dkk mau perpanjang kontrak . gak dikasih . jadinya mereka digusur .
kasian dah salim . sampe nangis-nangis ..
trus gaji mereka buat apa ?????? apa buat beli Foto bugil artis Indonesia :-p
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Are You bored with the present in your TV ????
ha.. ha... you would be bored with the present in your tv program , or you want watching interesting, useful and informative TV Programs, Unlike available in your Tv program, that only presented all about animal , wkwkwkw just kidding . Or possibly you have leased the cable tv and you paid was very expensive, but they only presented all about the horse. Yaaaaa I will stop to
laughing your tv program ;-) . are you trying ?? They were one of the companies or the site web that offers the satellite TV. DirectTV is a good TV satelite that was good for people who have been bored with the available program TV.
According to my opinion, immediately you join with ,Because their High quality the TV channels, They also have various have High Definition Channels,Sports Channels, Fewer Outages, Movie Channels, Music Channels, Local Channels and International Channels and many more. Meanwhile If you want to get local and international news, you can have them in their local and international Channel. Unlike others site, this site provide directtv in most cities di America.
direct tv is all over the place that when you look for it in every state of the United States of America it's there. Moreover they also helps you to chossing for the tv program that really was needed by you and the place where you are and then all you have to do is to select the right things for you! and There was not again the horse. :-D
laughing your tv program ;-) . are you trying ?? They were one of the companies or the site web that offers the satellite TV. DirectTV is a good TV satelite that was good for people who have been bored with the available program TV.
According to my opinion, immediately you join with ,Because their High quality the TV channels, They also have various have High Definition Channels,Sports Channels, Fewer Outages, Movie Channels, Music Channels, Local Channels and International Channels and many more. Meanwhile If you want to get local and international news, you can have them in their local and international Channel. Unlike others site, this site provide directtv in most cities di America.
direct tv is all over the place that when you look for it in every state of the United States of America it's there. Moreover they also helps you to chossing for the tv program that really was needed by you and the place where you are and then all you have to do is to select the right things for you! and There was not again the horse. :-D
Friday, 14 November 2008
Satpam oh Satpam
Tadi Pagi gw Pergi ke "Lintah darat" buat bayar utang2 gw di sono :-( , biasanya bokap gw yang pergi , ya gara2 bokap gw suka bawel :-" (xixix jangan bilang2 bokap yak) sruh cepet2 bayar padahal waktu jatoh temponya masih lama ( gila masih lama aja bawelnya setengah mati :-" ) bisanya gw cuekin tuh , eeehhhhhh bokap sendiri yg pergi sambil ngomel2 :-p , tp gatau hari ini gw yang jalan , padahal bokap gw cm bilang "de mo bayar cicilan kapan" , yah akhirnya gw berangkat penuh dengan semangat , tumben bener nih , hihih di jalan , pikiran busuk gw muncul , "wah moga2 kasirnya cakep , kaya Asmiranda di iklan Axe" , ya gw genjot lah kuda lumping gw biar cepet ketemu sama "Asmiranda" ....
wah akhirnya sampe juga , xixixixi "Asmiranda gw datang ..... "
gw langsung masuk trus nyelonong ke kasirnya , tus gw bilang "ba mo bayar cicilan", blom di jawab sama embanya gw udah di tarik sama Satpam sambil ngomong dengan bibirnya yang seksi
"De ambil no dulu donk , ngantri ... kasian yang laen" , buset nih orang gabisa sante dikit apah ..
gw katain aja tuh satpam "woooooooi jangan nyolot donk" , qeqeq enga dink , mana berani gw ngomong gitu , tp dalem ati gw pengen ngomong gitu , tp berhubung gw orangnya cupu jadi gw ga berani :-( , ya begitulah nasip orng kecil , cupu :-( sering di intimidasi sama yang lebih GEDE tp klo soal "anu" gw berani gede2 an sama tuh satpam :-p.
Oh iya Kasirnya mukanya ga kaya Asmiranda , yah standart2 aja sih mukanya , tp masih cakepan kasirnya dr pd si satpam :-" , pupus sudah arapan gw ketemu asmiranda
gw duduk sambil perhatiin gerak gerik tuh satpam , gw jadi inget sama satpam di sma gw dulu , nama nya sapa gitu gw lupa , pantat gw pernah di sodok2 pake sapu , gara2 gw telat masuk terus gw panjat dah tuh pager sekolahan , eh tu satpam lari sambil bawa2 sapu trus nyodok2 pantat gw dari bawah sambil bilang "woi turun2 ngapain km manjat2" , ...
emang parah tuh satpam pernah gw sogok, pake rokok, Cewe :-" biar gw blh masuk tetep ajah gamao , tp gw rasa tuh satpam homo ....
sial emang nasip gw sial kalo ketemu satpam ...
xixi jadi senyum2 sendiri gw , waktu nunggu giliran buat bayar cicilan , jadi inget waktu sMa .....
Wkwkwkwkwkwkw .... si Salim (tukang ketroprak) gimananya nasip dia sekarang masih suka di isengin sama anak2 , wkwkwk sering banget tuh si salim di isengin sama Tmn2 gw
wkwkwk .. tar dah gw ceritain betapa malangnya si salim ...
wah akhirnya sampe juga , xixixixi "Asmiranda gw datang ..... "
gw langsung masuk trus nyelonong ke kasirnya , tus gw bilang "ba mo bayar cicilan", blom di jawab sama embanya gw udah di tarik sama Satpam sambil ngomong dengan bibirnya yang seksi
"De ambil no dulu donk , ngantri ... kasian yang laen" , buset nih orang gabisa sante dikit apah ..
gw katain aja tuh satpam "woooooooi jangan nyolot donk" , qeqeq enga dink , mana berani gw ngomong gitu , tp dalem ati gw pengen ngomong gitu , tp berhubung gw orangnya cupu jadi gw ga berani :-( , ya begitulah nasip orng kecil , cupu :-( sering di intimidasi sama yang lebih GEDE tp klo soal "anu" gw berani gede2 an sama tuh satpam :-p.
Oh iya Kasirnya mukanya ga kaya Asmiranda , yah standart2 aja sih mukanya , tp masih cakepan kasirnya dr pd si satpam :-" , pupus sudah arapan gw ketemu asmiranda
gw duduk sambil perhatiin gerak gerik tuh satpam , gw jadi inget sama satpam di sma gw dulu , nama nya sapa gitu gw lupa , pantat gw pernah di sodok2 pake sapu , gara2 gw telat masuk terus gw panjat dah tuh pager sekolahan , eh tu satpam lari sambil bawa2 sapu trus nyodok2 pantat gw dari bawah sambil bilang "woi turun2 ngapain km manjat2" , ...
emang parah tuh satpam pernah gw sogok, pake rokok, Cewe :-" biar gw blh masuk tetep ajah gamao , tp gw rasa tuh satpam homo ....
sial emang nasip gw sial kalo ketemu satpam ...
xixi jadi senyum2 sendiri gw , waktu nunggu giliran buat bayar cicilan , jadi inget waktu sMa .....
Wkwkwkwkwkwkw .... si Salim (tukang ketroprak) gimananya nasip dia sekarang masih suka di isengin sama anak2 , wkwkwk sering banget tuh si salim di isengin sama Tmn2 gw
wkwkwk .. tar dah gw ceritain betapa malangnya si salim ...
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Ways to Repairing Your Bad Credit Record
Maybe at this time you have been turned down for a home loan or car loan , because you have a bad credits record inside your accounts , it can affect our whole life , This all because of each bank have was complete report of your account. Bud many people had been forced to have a bad credit report , because a company in a way they are not updating their payments they got loaned.
However, This can be resolve if you have strong willingness to resolve it as soon as possible. Actually there are many ways to resolve it
According to my opinion you must deal to a company who offers a credit repair service, Sadly, there are so many company offering similar service conducting with credit repair solution online , For this you must more carefully when choosing the best place to have credit repair service , One recommended site that able to repair your bad credit without any confuse according to my opinion is because they not only providing credit repair service, but also they have improve credit service or to avoid credit dispute
But maybe you my thinking how is that possible , Any information on your credit report that contains inaccurate and negative information is noted, and then it will be removed They are prepared to go directly through the credit reporting agencies to the credit institution who placed the negative item on your report if necessary to remove it They demand a written confirmation of the deletion and a copy is also sent to you.
I really suggest you to try it. you need to do is just fill you data on the blank field then pay cheap on time-set up fee for only $19. Don't worry, your satisfaction is really guaranteed, otherwise you'll have your money back.
However, This can be resolve if you have strong willingness to resolve it as soon as possible. Actually there are many ways to resolve it
According to my opinion you must deal to a company who offers a credit repair service, Sadly, there are so many company offering similar service conducting with credit repair solution online , For this you must more carefully when choosing the best place to have credit repair service , One recommended site that able to repair your bad credit without any confuse according to my opinion is because they not only providing credit repair service, but also they have improve credit service or to avoid credit dispute
even you can slowly improve credit score like any other people ever did before without any problem
But maybe you my thinking how is that possible , Any information on your credit report that contains inaccurate and negative information is noted, and then it will be removed They are prepared to go directly through the credit reporting agencies to the credit institution who placed the negative item on your report if necessary to remove it They demand a written confirmation of the deletion and a copy is also sent to you.
I really suggest you to try it. you need to do is just fill you data on the blank field then pay cheap on time-set up fee for only $19. Don't worry, your satisfaction is really guaranteed, otherwise you'll have your money back.
Monday, 10 November 2008
Mailbox Beautifying Your front yard
You may is was a person keep a neatness your home, And had the front yard that was organised neatly, If you thought your mailbox be not in accordance with your home design, Or now you had the mailbox that was not too good and You were thinking about looking the new mailbox for your front yard. Mailboxixchange have variety the mail box for you.
You can choose a variety the mailboxes , like Wall-mount mailboxes Multi-unit mailbox and Post Packages, Mailbox Posts, etc. for your convenience, you can select and buy them online
Not Only Mail boxes they have variety of mailboxes , Mailboxixchange also have Address Plaques and House Numbers and Curbside Decor.
So already during you thought about your mailbox , This not only as the place received the letter but also beauty
You can choose a variety the mailboxes , like Wall-mount mailboxes Multi-unit mailbox and Post Packages, Mailbox Posts, etc. for your convenience, you can select and buy them online
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Sunday, 9 November 2008
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Friday, 7 November 2008
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Yang gw tau Yang diperlombakan adalah Keyword Busby SEO test gimana Supaya Situs kita yang di daftarin mendapat urutan pertama dengan keyword Busby SEO test .huuufff Berat Juga tuh udah pesaing2 yang para seo guru , bukan dari indonesia aja lagi makaya di bilang SEO World Cup 2 , wkwkwkw dah kaya Bola ada World Cupnya
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Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Error di blogger Comment
Seperti biasanya , gw jalan2 ke blog temen2 , untuk sekedar mencari backlink :-p , ga tau berapa banyak blog yang gw beolin :-p pake komentar , tp koe ada yang aneh hari ini , biasanya ga usah nunggu 1 hari setelah gw beoolin blog2 temen gw, blog gw juga biasanya di beooin juga , tp koe hari ini blog ini sepi dari komentar2 , ada apa nihhhhhh ??????? apa gara2 gw nulis tentang kapan Amrozi cs esekusi ato gw terlalu sering posting yang berbau lingere, jd gw di musuhin sama Blogger2 indonesia :-p
ahhh ternyata bukan gara2 itu , emang kolom komentar gw aja yang lagi error ......
Liat Gambar di samping combo box comment as nya kosong :-( Gimana orang pengen komentar ????
Gw sendiri binggung knp bisa gini apa gara2 gw salah edit template jadi begitu , kemungkinan besarnya sih ke gitu
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Apa biarin aja yah ke gini :-p , abisnya gw sendiri binggung musti betulin di bagian mananya , bantuin gw donk musti betulin di mananya :-( , ya udah buat sementara komentar di blog ini gw nyatakan Di Closed
hihihihih engga dink gw ubah aja penempatannya :-D , sementara sambil gw cari tau errornya dimana :-D
ahhh ternyata bukan gara2 itu , emang kolom komentar gw aja yang lagi error ......
Gw sendiri binggung knp bisa gini apa gara2 gw salah edit template jadi begitu , kemungkinan besarnya sih ke gitu
Tp yang jadi permasalahan nya di line brp errornya
di kode apa error nya , gw ga tau , hikssss
Apa biarin aja yah ke gini :-p , abisnya gw sendiri binggung musti betulin di bagian mananya , bantuin gw donk musti betulin di mananya :-( , ya udah buat sementara komentar di blog ini gw nyatakan Di Closed
hihihihih engga dink gw ubah aja penempatannya :-D , sementara sambil gw cari tau errornya dimana :-D
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Monday, 3 November 2008
Akhirnya Amrozi cs akan Di esekusi
Desas desus esekusi mati Pelaku Boom bali semakin gencar terdengar , Pak Polisi pun Memperketat Penjagaan, Saya pun semakin tidak sabar menunggu kematian Amrozi Dkk , setelah Sudah sekian lama menunggu kepastian kapan amrozi dkk di esekusi , akhirnya kabar baik itu (menurut saya), tersiar.
Entah apa yang dipirkan oleh pemerintah untuk memunda2 esekusi Amrozi, apa untuk memberikan waktu kepada mereka untuk bertobat ;;-) sedangkan Waktu Diwawancara oleh Media masa Mereka dengan lantang mengatakan Bangga Mempunyai Profesi sebagai teroris , hikssssss , apa mereka tidak ada sedikit rasa penyesalan telah menghabiskan begitu banyak nyawa ???
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Entah apa yang dipirkan oleh pemerintah untuk memunda2 esekusi Amrozi, apa untuk memberikan waktu kepada mereka untuk bertobat ;;-) sedangkan Waktu Diwawancara oleh Media masa Mereka dengan lantang mengatakan Bangga Mempunyai Profesi sebagai teroris , hikssssss , apa mereka tidak ada sedikit rasa penyesalan telah menghabiskan begitu banyak nyawa ???
Mo mati Sahittttttt ????? , gw rasa bali bukan tempat yang tepat untuk dialakukan penyerangan , kenapa bukan gedung putih di US sana yang mereka Bom !!! dasar Sekumpulan Orang Bego (maap gw ngeliatnya ke gitu) ......
Apa emang mereka orang bego ??? , tp orang bego koe bisa ngerakit bom ,
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apakah pemerintah menunda agar amrozi dkk mau buka mulut tentang siapa dalang boommm bali ....
tau dah binggung !!!!!!
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